Westside Stories: A Virtual Platform to Showcase the Research of the Westside San Antonio Humanities Project

Westside Stories

A Virtual Platform to Showcase the Research of the Westside San Antonio Humanities Project

Amanda Hill and Student-Filmmakers


The Westside Stories documentary filmmaking project was completed in Spring 2019 to fulfill the requirements for the undergraduate course, Media Production II. The students in this course creating documentary films about business owners and employees on San Antonio’s Westside. The upper division course included eight students, seven of whom completed a Westside Stories documentary.

The project intended to teach students the practical skills of creating short documentary films such as interviewing, sound and video recording, and audio-visual editing; work with community partners to create narratives; grow the connection between St. Mary’s University and the immediate Westside San Antonio community; and help students hone their ability to listen for and to diverse stories, and create an understanding of the value of vernacular, everyday stories, and the specific stories of the people within this community.

Student Filmmakers



The map above can be understood by using the color key below. Click on the map above to see the location of the videos and select the following buttons to see the video.
